The Earth has a circular shadow extending out behind it in space. Usually you can't see any sign of this shadow, but it becomes visible when the moon passes through it.
Here, two exposures during the partial phases of this morning's eclipse show the outline of the shadow. (The moon passed above the center of the shadow in this eclipse, so
the shadow is a large circle that extends below the bottom of this picture.)
A much longer exposure during the middle of the eclipse
reveals that the dark shadow isn't completely black—it's deep red, and darker towards the center of the shadow. The color is the result of sunlight
sneaking around the edge of the Earth, refracted by the Earth's atmosphere and red for the same reason sunsets are red. If you were standing on the
moon looking up at the Earth during the eclipse, you would see the "new Earth" as a bright red ring: the horizons of all the dawns & dusks
happening on the planet, all seen at once. The top of the eclipsed moon is brighter because from there, near the perimeter of the shadow, the sun
is just barely below the edge of the Earth as seen from the moon.
Click the picture above for more photos of the eclipse.
I had planned on setting up a tracking mount and taking a timed series of exposures of the eclipse, but the sky that night was overcast.
Spotting the moon through occasional thin patches in the clouds, I couldn't resist snapping a few handheld shots with a telephoto lens . . . then finally gave in,
put the camera on a fixed tripod, and sat around waiting for the clouds to thin out enough to quickly take a picture or two. I had a lucky
break mid-eclipse and was able to shoot a half-dozen frames with minimal cloud cover. Amazingly, despite the almost completely overcast night,
I was able to get the shots I needed to assemble this composite picture. Sometimes, the important thing is just to show up for the gig.
A nearly-total lunar eclipse will be visible from Massachusetts in
August 2026, but we won't see
another total lunar eclipse until June 2029,
when the moon will pass almost directly through the center of the Earth's shadow.
Full disclosure: Though this is an accurate depiction of the Earth's shadow, it's an idealized representation of what's actually seen during an eclipse: it's what you would see if the Earth weren't rotating. Click here to see the longer story: Eclipse Reality.